JMISKO Hair Transplant Patients
ARTAS Robotic Transplant | Number of Grafts: 2,500

Why ARTAS Robot?
• Most advanced FUE tool on the market.
• State of the art intelligence
• Minimally-invasive, permanent results
• Natural results
Why men choose the ARTAS Robot?
Precision Matters.
“…the precision, repeatability and tirelessness was the reason for me.”

B&A Patient #2: ARTAS Robotic Transplant Number of Grafts: 3,100

I Do.
This patient was seeking help before the biggest day of his life, his wedding day. He didn’t want to look back at photographs and regret not doing something sooner about his thinning hair. He scheduled a procedure with Dr. Misko and 12 months later on his wedding day, he had a full head of hair.
Still Not Convinced?
By this point if you are still not convinced from the before and after photos we would be shocked. But, if you would like to see the real life month-to-month process of this patient and the hair growth that he had, click here to see if you’re sold after this.

B&A Patient #3: FUT/Strip Procedure

Real Patients. Real Results.
By this point if you are still not convinced from the before and after photos we would be shocked. But, if you would like to see the real life month-to-month process of this patient and the hair growth that he had, click here to see if you’re sold after this.
Let’s Get Started.
Enough of the small talk, I am ready to schedule a consultation with Dr. Misko today and start the steps forward on scheduling my hair transplant today.

B&A Patient #4: FUT/Strip Procedure